Dark Days, Bright Nights update

Because of a backlog at the printer, the release of my book, Dark Days, Bright Nights: Surviving the Las Vegas Storm Drains, has been delayed a month. It’s now scheduled to be available Nov. 17.

Thanks to everyone who has preordered the book! If you have not preordered it and are interested in doing so, please see the links below.

Twenty-five percent of the money I make off the book will benefit Shine a Light, a Freedom House Sober Living program that befriends and houses and counsels the people who live in the underground flood channels of Vegas.

Thanks again for your support! Much love and light to you all!

Las Vegas preorders


Preorders outside of Vegas


PS- the photo of storm-drain survivor “One Shoe Sue” was taken by Steve Fanell

Las Vegas Book Festival panel discussion

The video of the Las Vegas Book Festival panel discussion centered around my book Dark Days, Bright Nights: Surviving the Las Vegas Storm Drains is now available. Though my expression does not always give it away, I had fun doing this with three of my friends: Beth Brower and Paul Vautrinot, both of whom I interviewed for the book; and the book’s editor, Dan Hernandez, who moderated the discussion.

Also, thanks to everyone who submitted questions before the discussion, and to Shannon Brokaw and SA Bergfalk, in particular. Dan asked your questions toward the end of the discussion.


Preorder my latest book

My book Dark Days, Bright Nights: Surviving the Las Vegas Storm Drains is now available via preorder. The book is a raw and honest oral account from people who lived in the underground flood channels of Vegas and made it out and turned around their lives. It also reveals a rarely seen side of Sin City and offers a portrait of homelessness and recovery in America.

Twenty-five percent of the proceeds I make off of Dark Days, Bright Nights will benefit Shine a Light, a Freedom House Sober Living program that provides housing, counseling and other services to those in the drains. The photographer, Steve Fanell, is donating his entire check to the program.

If you have any questions about the book, feel free to comment or email me. And thanks again for all of your support!

Las Vegas preorders


Preorders outside of Vegas



Kirkus book review

The first review of my latest book, Dark Days, Bright Nights: Surviving the Las Vegas Storm Drains, is a positive one from Kirkus, a key trade publication. The review reads, in part: “Powerful and relentlessly honest, the interviews explode myths surrounding homelessness while promoting compassionate views of the growing number of homeless Americans. Compelling reading about what is a depressingly evergreen societal ill.”

Dark Days, Bright Nights will be available in October, but it can be preordered now (through the Kirkus website). I will post more about the book and other preordering options soon.


Open for business!

Are you in need of a writer or ghostwriter? An editor for your book, poem, web content, résumé, bio, etc.? A writing or English tutor?

After three years of teaching full time, I’m venturing out on my own. I plan to focus on my creative writing, learning Spanish and promoting my book Dark Days, Bright Nights: Surviving the Las Vegas Storm Drains (October 2020), but I will also take on select writing, editing and teaching/tutoring projects.

If you are interested in my services or have any questions, please let me know (via the “Contact” form). Thanks!

Annual end-of-the-school-year post

My annual end-of-the-school-year post is usually written at the airport, while I’m waiting to board my flight to Las Vegas. This year, of course, that’s not the case. I’m writing this in my home office in San Salvador, which I’ve become quite acquainted with over the past three months.

Despite being limited (in many ways) by the lockdown, my third year in El Salvador had its share of highlights. I squeezed in some travel: Havana; Lago de Atitlán; Oaxaca City. My classes went well and I enjoyed running the school’s writing lab. I finished my third book, Dark Days, Bright Nights: Surviving the Las Vegas Storm Drains, which is due out in the fall. My relationship with my amazing girlfriend, Arely, continued to evolve.

A fourth year in El Salvador beckons—and it will look and feel a lot different from the previous three. I’m leaving Escuela Americana—three years of teaching high school is enough for me, at least for now—to be an independent writer, editor and teacher/tutor. I’m moving off campus, out of the bubble, into an apartment with Arely. I’m going to focus on my creative writing, learning Spanish and promoting my book. I also hope to continue my travels in Central and South America, but we shall see how that goes.

More on these things to come. Thanks again for all of your love and support!

“La Cuarentena”

We’re a month into the quarantine here in El Salvador.

I’m holed up in “The Complejo,” the on-campus housing for foreign staff, leaving only to go to the grocery store or a restaurant to order food “para llevar” (to go). I’ve stayed sane by teaching my classes online, finishing my storm-drain survivors book, reading, working out, studying Spanish, taking afternoon walks on the fringes of campus, etc. If I had to be stuck somewhere, I could certainly do worse; the weather is pleasant, the number of confirmed cases is relatively low and we have access to a pool, track and basketball courts.

I hope that this post finds you happy and healthy! Con mucho amor …

A new smile for Billy

You might remember Billy, the Army vet who was featured in the CrowdRise video a few years ago. Thanks, in part, to the money raised by the video, Billy was able to move out of the tunnels and back to Texas, where he reunited with family and got a job. He’s still housed and now has a car and is managing a wedding venue.

The next step in his recovery process is to get a set of permanent teeth. (He currently has dentures.) He feels that permanent teeth would boost his confidence and benefit him personally and professionally.

A dentist has agreed to volunteer much of the labor to give Billy a new smile, and a friend has vowed to match any donation dollar for dollar. They’ve set up a GoFundMe page to try to raise the rest of the money. I am sharing the link to the page (below) and making a donation. I encourage you to do the same.

Thanks for your time and consideration!
