Rain Taxi review

In its spring online edition, Rain Taxi raved about Las Vegan Alissa Nutting’s Unclean Jobs for Women and Girls. In its summer print edition, it turned its attention to My Week at the Blue Angel. Unfortunately, the print edition isn’t available online, but here’s a blurb:

“Though [Hunter S.] Thompson wrote about real events under the moniker of fiction, O’Brien’s book invokes the fictional aspects of narrative by representing reality in a mystified way. In this way, My Week at the Blue Angel offers itself up to infinite interpretation. One can read his stories as brutally honest portrayals of lost souls or as an allegory about what happens to a human (and humanity) when it is subsumed into an unfeeling capitalist machine, replete with poker chips, show girls, bright lights, and plenty of sewage.”

To read the review, which is a full page, pick up a hard copy of Rain Taxi. For more info, visit www.raintaxi.com.

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