Results for Category: annoucement

With a little HELP from my friends

“May the Good Lord shine a light on you,
Make every song your favorite tune.
May the Good Lord shine a light on you,
Warm like the evening sun.”
“Shine a Light”
The Rolling Stones

I’ve started an organization to help the hundreds of men and women living in the underground flood channels of Las Vegas.

With apologies to the Stones, Shine a Light is a collaboration between me, HELP of Southern Nevada and its affiliated organizations. I’ll escort drug counselors, caseworkers, social workers and other specialists into the tunnels twice a month. We’ll offer water, food, clothes, blankets and other items, when available, to the people we encounter – but more importantly, we’ll offer services, including housing, drug, medical and mental-health counseling, case management and referrals.

Founded in 1969, HELP of Southern Nevada is a charitable organization that helps families and individuals overcome barriers and attain self-sufficiency through services, training and referrals to community resources. For more information on HELP, call 702-369-4357 or visit To volunteer or donate money or items (water, canned goods, clothes, blankets, toiletries, etc.) to HELP, contact Fuilala Riley at 702-369-4357 ext. 238 or

Second press run

I didn’t really have any goals when I began researching and writing Beneath the Neon — well, other than emerging from the drains with at least three of my four limbs. I did, however, hope the book would have a second press run. Thanks to you, it will.

Sales have been steady and we need more copies of the book. So I turned a corrected copy into Huntington Press, Editor Deke Castleman looked over the changes and Production Coordinator Laurie Shaw made the changes to the master copy. It’ll be sent to the printer soon and, hopefully, be back in a few weeks.

This isn’t officially a second edition; it won’t include a foreword by a famous author or any other major additions. It’s a reprint. However, it will be cleaner and leaner than the first print run.

And it will sit proudly on my bookshelf for many years to come.