Be on the lookout for …

As some of you know, I’ve been working on vignettes, flash fiction, and short stories set on the streets of Las Vegas. I’ve finished ten of the pieces, and hope to write a handful more, and one of them has already been published: the short story “All Eyes on Me” in the April/May 2022 issue of London-based Lay It Out Magazine. And I just found out that the flash-fiction piece “Coming Clean” has been accepted for publication in The Perch, a creative-arts journal associated with the Yale School of Medicine.

A hearty “thank you!” to Brittany Bronson, Scott Dickensheets, and Mike Masefield for their informed feedback on “All Eyes on Me.” And to John L. Smith, Kelle Schillaci Clarke, and Steve Lang for their thoughts on “Coming Clean.”

“All Eyes on Me” was published behind a paywall, but I plan to post a link to the fall issue of The Perch when it goes live. The theme of the issue is substance use, and “Coming Clean” is about a homeless, drug-addicted prostitute who hits rock bottom at a seedy, downtown motel. Can you guess what motel that is?

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